Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Truth is Uncompromising.

"The truth is uncompromising. It does not accommodate your preferences. It does not adjust to your desires. Either you accept the moment exactly as it is, or you leave the moment in search of more. God has nothing to offer you other than this moment. The ego can tempt you with so much more."

- Leonard Jacobson

This is the gift that awaits us in present-moment awareness. Heaven on earth.

It has been said that "time" does not exist. It is a construct of the mind to help us function in a time-space reality called life. If we can eliminate the idea of time from our minds and our view of how life is experienced here on earth, we can experience the Now as it continually unfolds.

God has nothing to offer you other than this moment.

It is the ego that has us believe that peace is found somewhere outside of ourselves and this moment. That is the only way the ego can continue to exist. It needs time and space to have a place for you to go with your mind and start thinking. Those places are the past and the future.

"My problems will finally be over and I will experience peace when...

I have enough money saved up to protect me against what can happen in the future."

my spouse stops doing this or treating me like that."

I find a career that I'm happy with."

On and on and on and on.......STOP!

There is nothing outside of this very moment. Anything we think will make us whole in the future will be experienced as another present-moment, another NOW!

Stop the endless chatter of the mind. Stop identifying with the stories it tells. We are not our minds. We are the pure energy of presence and guess when/where the only place we can experience it for ourselves is?

You got it.


1 comment:

Sean Brown said...

Excellent post, Steve. This is right on the money. This is a fundamental of remaining in the Now.

I very much like the opening quote by Jacobson. There is the truth, and there is everything else other than the truth. The truth is what is happening right now. Everything else is stories of the past, stories about how great or bad I am, stories about how great or bad everyone and everything else is, or anxiety or anticipation of things that have yet to happen. ALL of that is NOT in the Now. Stop telling stories, start BEING.